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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

February 14, 2012 - Valentine's Day

Februray 14th - Happy Valentine's Day to all! 
I had a restless night last night.  Tossed and turned mostly.  Felt like creepy, crawly things were in my body.  The nurses told me that I would have symptoms of restless legs syndrome from all the meds they gave me but that was ridiculous.  My heart was pounding hard like I was anxious about something...kind of the way I feel the night before we go on a cruise, hoping that I don't forget anything important.  But let me tell you this is no cruise by any means! This morning I looked in the mirror because my face seems warm and my cheeks were red/warm and the site of my tumor was red/warm.  I was not itchy or short of breath.  I phoned my study coordinator and provided all the details.  She passed the info along to Dr. Tim and he indicated that it was possibly a reaction to all the steroids that they pumped into me yesterday.  Since I wasn't itchy and was breathing fine to just observe myself during the day.  If I did get SOB (shortness of breath) to go directly to the ER or call 911 so I’m holding my own for now and hopefully this just goes away!

This evening my cheeks are still a little red but feeling much better.  I got a lovely Valentines's card from my hubby - I love him so much!

Marie and Justin made a nice supper of spaghetti and wine!  Perfect!


  1. Happy Valentine's, Kathy!
    Great to see you and the family, at the race, on Sunday. I think about you and your journey, every day. "One day at a time!" is what it's all about. Hang tough, Kath. I know you will.

    little bro,

  2. Happy Valentine's Day Kathy. I had the exact same supper! I hope you have a more restful night. Love Teresa
