New Me!

New Me!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

February 8, 2012 - Clinical Trial Results & Wig Shopping

February 8th - Today we (Don, Marie and I) met with Dr. Moynihan (oncologist) about the results from the 2nd biopsy done for the clinical trial that I am participating in.  The results indicated that I needed chemo (duh!) and that they needed to randomize me with another agent/drug to go along with the Taxol that will be the flavor of choice for the next 12 weeks. The study coordinator called me with the name of the other agent/drug later today and for the life of me I didn't get it written down.  It's a big long 'fancy' name and I will have her write it down for me so I can tell you what it is in my blog tomorrow.  Dr. Tim indicated that the tumor had not changed size since he last examined me 2 weeks ago...which is good news!  At the time of the appointment he was not sure what the agent/drug was so he was not sure what the side effects of the new agent/drug would be.  I'm sure its something awesome.  Again I will find out more tomorrow and update the blog. 

From there Marie and I decided to visit Erickson's Hair and Skin Care which is located in the Subway Level of the Methodist Hospital as Dr. Tim indicated that in about 14 or so days after my initial chemo treatment  (Feb.13th) I will start losing my hair. (Oh, great...I can't even imagine what I look like bald!)  Well, regardless if I like it or not the hair will come out!  We met with the most wonderful, caring woman at Erickson's and she knew that I was new to this (the hair must have given it away).  I tried on several cranial prosthesis (wigs) in many lengths and colors, I felt like a movie star (just kidding!) 

Seriously, I was having a real hard time trying to figure out why I was really there…I had hair right now why would I need a wig?  Was this all a really bad dream?  I would look at myself in the mirror with the wig on and I kept thinking this wasn’t me, none of them look good and they just made me feel so - old.  Granted, I will be 50 in September but come on!   Anyways, the last one that I tried on was probably the best.  It looked like me and was a style and color that I could deal with if I felt that a wig was something that I thought that I needed.  Women going through chemo treatments sometimes only wear scarves, hats or go bald (that one I will have to see about!).  At this point they explained that they would not order me one just yet as I had way too much hair to really get a good size & fit (ok, that just sounds so funny) so we left without one and to come back when the hair is much thinner or gone (awesome).  We are also scheduled to go back next Wednesday so that they can teach me the secrets of scarf tying (similar to basket weaving but different…I’m quite spunky tonight, aren’t I?!!?  As you can tell I’m not liking this much!). 

This was an eye opening day for me!!  But let’s get the party started and get over with all of this already!!!!!

I would like to thank Don and Marie for coming to my Dr. appointments with me. I couldn’t do this without you!  I love you both so much!!

1 comment:

  1. I think Don should get a wig!

    How do I get one of those bracelets?
