New Me!

New Me!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

February 19, 2012 - Weekend stuff

February 19th - I felt a little bit better Friday, Saturday and Sunday. The feeling of being sick to your stomach kinda subsided on Friday. Friday and Saturday I finally felt good enough to get to DAHLC and got a workout in which felt real good and I needed it!! On Sunday, Don and I went to AT&T to look at iPads. I purchased one with some of the money from the fundraiser so that I can take it with me to my treatment appointments. I can add my music to it, books, movies, games etc., to help the time (2-4 hours) go by during treatments. What a wonderful gifts many of you were involved in helping me purchase! A heartfelt thank you! Sunday, Bill and Cathy came home to visit. They needed to visit BabeRUs for a few more items before baby come in about three weeks. Three weeks I will be a full pledged grandma!!!! I can't wait!!! I've gotten so many wonderful emails, cards and facebook messages from so many of my old friends, family and coworkers over the past few weeks that are so encouraging and caring. Many of them have brought tears to my eyes and have given me a new life perspective on being present in the moment. Please don't take life for granted as things can change your life so quickly. Live for today as we cannot control tomorrow. Do the things you want to do today, take no regrets! Love you all!!! PS. 2nd chemo treatment in the morning, have to be there by 7:00am so I guess I should be getting to bed. Goodnight.


  1. Dear Kathy I love how you are keeping us all up to speed on your journey. Today I celebrate YOU....and so very happy to know you!!

    Renae Shellum

    1. Renae, you are awesome! I sure do miss your bubbly attitude and you are so full of life...I need be more like that! Thank you for all the kind words of encouragement! It means alot.

      I'm glad you like the blog. It's a way that I can put my thoughts on 'paper' for myself just in case I forget when something actually happened, I know that I can look back to find the date or whatever it may be. Along with that I can share my journey with whomever would be interested in reading it. Again, I'm glad you enjoy it. Take care! Kathy

  2. i wish the best for you

  3. I am so glad that you decided on an IPAD, Don said you were looking at Nooks but I think you will like that much better. It will help you pass the time. Nice thing to have technology these days. I can't wait for the baby either!! Want to hold him and kiss his cheeks! Stay strong Kathy and we love you very much!!
    Laurie and family
