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Thursday, February 16, 2012

February 16, 2012 - Touching base from past two days

February 16th - Sorry I've been MIA (missing in action) for the past couple of days.  I will get you up to speed of what's been going on the past days. 

I was feeling pretty sluggish on Wednesday.  Don and I went to visit my Mom (who is 84 yrs old) who resides in the Assisted Living Apartments at the Hayfield Nursing Home.  I hadn’t actually visited her since my diagnosis so we felt I better get over there to see her.  It is always good to see my Mom.  My Mom is rarely, if ever sick other than developing diabetes at an older age...she has always been the 'pillar' of health.  I'm sure it is hard for her to see her youngest daughter with cancer as it's probably one of parent’s worst nightmares.  I love my Mom with all my heart!!

After that visit I met Marie at the Erickson's Hair and Skin Care class that is held in the Cancer Center on the Main floor of the Gonda building.  They shared how important it is to keep your cosmetics clean as possible while going through chemo as to not spread infection while your immune system is low.  They also demonstrated how to care for wigs and tie scarves.  We purchased a few hats and scarves that day for the day when the hair to be prepared, so they say!

Thursday, was just an all around lazy day.  I had very little energy, with a mild headache and stomach uneasiness all day.  I did however manage to work on some training materials from home. 

Hopefully tomorrow I will be feeling a little bit better as Monday this starts all over againL

Have a great Friday all! 

PS...I would like to thank everyone again for the money that was raised for me from the fundraiser.  I am truly humbled by the generosity you have all shown me!  Your kindness has so touched my heart!

1 comment:

  1. Kathy,

    Happy Friday! I keep thinking about how courageous and strong you are. The day you had mentioned that you were trying on wigs, I went to try and find a pair of vision glasses that I will need to wear for every single day for three weeks straight. I want to have eye laser surgery done, and wearing glasses temporarily is part of the deal. I have worn contact lenses since I was 16 years old. I do not wear vision glasses in public. I think glasses are ugly and nothing but an obstacle on my face. I had to adjust to wearing reading glasses at work, and that was not very easy at first. Anyways, after finding a suitable pair at Lenscrafters, I thought about you and those wigs. Here I am complaining about wearing horrible glasses in public. On Monday, 2/20/12 is Day 1 when I cannot wear my contact lenses, and will need to suffer with wearing glasses. I am going to keep thinking about what you are enduring, so I do not "chicken out" again with the Laser eye surgery, that I have wanted for over 15 years. This 24/7 wearing glasses bit (for 3 weeks in public) has prevented me over and over again from getting the eye surgery done. But, I will continuously think about your battle, to get me through mine.

    Julie (ESC)
