New Me!

New Me!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Thoughts going into my 1st chemo treatment

Illness is a kind of initiation or rite of passage, taking you from a good life to a better one, from a limited understanding of your world to one that is much more sophisticated.  Illness may transform you, giving you a vision and understanding you may have sought but never found.

Your cancer has a tragic side, but it can also change your emotional life and affect your relationships for the better.  It can heal you as a person.  Even as it threatens to take your life, it can give you more life.  You don't have to be a genius or full of courage to receive its gifts.  You only have to open your imagination wide, keep your sense of wonder alive, and feel the love of life that is already in you.  Bring that love to the people around you and you will discover for yourself that illness heals.

~Thomas Moore

This is so awesome!


  1. Love it kathy! Good luck!
    Laurie and family

  2. What inspiration this brings! You are in my thoughts and prayers today and through out your journey. I will be thinking about you today as you begin your treatment plan. Kathy McLaughlin

  3. Best of Luck today!
    Thinking of you

  4. Powerful women unite! Go get em! You are a true fighter and an example I have always looked up to Kathy!


    1. I have to ask, I know a few Renae's can you please tell me which one this is?

    2. Kathy, it's only your FAVORITE Renae that used to work with you in the ESC!! I just found out about your journey and I'm following you now on blogs! You ever need company during treatments let me know I'm a good entertainer :) I also come equipped with lots of books and magazines to borrow. Let me know!

  5. You are in my thoughts and prayers today as you begin your journey to wellness, Kathy. I hope every day going forward for you is nothing but a great day!
    Teri Perez

  6. Oh my gosh Kath....I am so sorry this is happening to you. I am just sick, but do not worry that you told me this way. It is all good. I can come down and help with anything you need during this journey, and also understand if you don't want people around for awhile. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers every single day. Love always. Judy
